How Old Is Medley Thoughts

How Old Is Medley Thoughts

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's Christmas Again........ Why do we even celebrate it??

So I was thinking, today is Christmas day, yaay! But what happened to those days in December when the dry winds in the northern parts of Nigeria would blow to the southern parts, causing the harmattan season to come in place. LOL, I can still recall, back then I would hide under my blanket because of the cold weather in the mornings. Some-days when I get up and look outside my house, the weather would be cold plus high humidity - just as if the clouds moved from the heavens to the ground. In the afternoons of those days the sun would be very high with dust plus dry weather that could tear the lips if lip-oil is not applied on the lips. Children would play with bangers, throwing them on people's roof and when the owners come out of scold at them they would run to their hiding places.
These days, December is just like any other month, last year, 2009, rain even fell on the 25th which has never happened before. Ugh, I really miss those days days. Sometimes I think that it is because of our sins - maybe God decided to make us suffer these two past years, lol.

You know, even if I don't celebrate Christmas because of my religious doctrine, I really don't see anything wrong with it. You know I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist. Some people don't even know why Christmas is celebrated, or how it started, all they have in mind when Christmas comes close is Santa, enjoyment, partying, rice and chicken.
Christmas was instituted by the Catholics (OMGod, I hate these people, they feel they can institute and change laws) because there was no exact place in the Bible that said when Jesus was born. Christmas which means CHRIST and MASS. A mass, worship or festival to mark the birth of Jesus Christ.
During Christmas, knowing it's Jesus' birthday, people are s'ppose to be helping the poor, needy or less privileged not getting drunk, buying new cloths and stuffs. I mean it's not bad to buy new cloths and stuffs but we just gotta help the needy.

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