How Old Is Medley Thoughts

How Old Is Medley Thoughts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Five Easy Ways To Strengthen A Relationship

 Below are five communicative ways that I think a relationship can be strengthened:-

  1. Prepare Yourself Mentally:
      Before you meet your partner, prepare yourself mentally. Think good thoughts. Some people actually plan to dump bad feelings on their partners. Instead of planning such a negative thing, rehearse in your mind at least one positive incident from your day that you can share with your partner upon greeting him or her. Questions, problems and phone messages can be discussed later. Sometimes a quick phone call in advance helps to prepare the way.
         2. Check Your Appearance:

               The first glimpse of each other affects how you will relate throughout the time. A neatly groomed female partner who wears a bit of perfume and accents her femininity will naturally capture a more positive response from her partner. A man, too, can make a difference. A man who enters the house with crumpled clothes, greasy and grimy with body odour will probably get a much different greeting from the man who washes up, combs his hair, and applies after-shave lotion.  Your grooming says a lot about how you feel towards yourself and your partner. Try your best to be appealing to your partner.

         3. Shower Your Partner With Smiles:

              Plan your time so you can greet your partner smiling. Let your partner know he or she is a priority in your life, not someone to be fit in after other responsibilities have been taken care of. A smile can say "I love you" with more meaning than an expensive gift. A smile is free and always available. Even if you don't feel like smiling, do it anyway. Act the part, if need be, for the first four minutes. If you act nice, good feelings may follow and the hidden negativity may fade.

         4. Greet Each Other With A Hug and a Kiss:

               Having someone waiting to greet us at the door is something we all like. If kissing isn't your style, have some other physical contact: holding hands, patting or fondling. Physical contact is healthy and necessary.

        5. Create a Pleasant Atmosphere:

    Give each other time to relax before tackling any problems.
    Anyone who enters a home with kids running wild, the TV blasting, and everything in chaos might want to run away. Whoever meets each other is responsible for setting the mood, but both are responsible for maintaining a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere

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