How Old Is Medley Thoughts

How Old Is Medley Thoughts

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Medley Thoughts

Isn't it strange how 2000 naira seems like such a large amount when you donate it to the church, but such a small amount when you go shopping?

Isn't it strange how 2hours seem so long when you're at church, and how short they seem when you're watching a good movie?

Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say when you're praying have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?

Isn't it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel?

Isn't it strange how everyone wants a front-row-ticket to concerts or games but they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row in Church?

Isn't it strange how we need to know about an event for Church 2-3 weeks before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can adjust it for other events in the last minute?

Isn't it strange how difficult it is to learn a fact about God to share it with others; but how easy it is to learn, understand, extend and repeat gossip?

Isn't it strange how we believe everything that magazines and newspapers say but...we question the words in the Bible?

Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven but...they don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there?

Isn't it strange how we send jokes in e-mails and they are forwarded right away but when we are going to send messages about God, we think about it twice before we share it with others?

9jeria (Nigeria) my Father-land

   On my way to a friend's place on Friday the 1st of October, I stopped by the vendor's stand at Rumuokwuta junction to get a copy of my favourite Sports Newspaper. I noticed a group of people proudly dressed in the national colour singing and drumming happily, I wondered who they were so I stepped closer to find out; Just then I realised they were Christ Embassy members sharing free copies of the special independence edition of the Rhapsody of Realities. I was really moved by such philanthropic gesture, while I was still busy thinking how kind these people are to come out in their number spend their time, money and energy on people they don't even know and for the sake of our nation, I heared the two men at the vendor stand saying all sorts of nasty things; "these people are crazy o0h!" said the first man, "no they are idle" replied the other. "What exactly are they celebrating?" they continued, we don't have potable water, electric power supply, food, schools, medical centres, yet, they are dancing in the sun while the so-called leaders continue to enjoy themselves, they are fo0ls. I was so angry, I turned back immediately to give them a piece of my mind and by the time I was done they repented and made fresh commitments towards 9jeria (Nigeria). After my conversation with them, I felt a bubble on my inside, an inexplicable joy and the only words that kept spinning round and round in my head are as follows:

   "Arise 0 compatriots, Nigerian's call obey to serve our fatherland with love and strength and faith. The labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain, to serve with heart and might, one nation bound in freedom peace and unity".

When I was much younger these words were just recitations that I was compelled to recite on the assembly ground every morning for so many years in high school, even though I didn't know the accurate words or what they really meant then. Most mornings I just stood there, I stood as a rebel because I couldn't see why we had to be tortured like this, so my friends and I made fun of the national anthem and pledge by making crazy mix of it.

   "I pledge to Nigeria my country to be faithful, loyal and honest to serve Nigeria with all my strength, to defend her unity and uphold her honour and glory so help me God."

This is the one we all know right? But we would say

   "I pledge to Nigeria their country not to be faithful, loyal and honest to serve Nigeria is not by force, to defend her unity and uphold her honour and glory, na me good to die?".

Back then it seemed like we were having fun but right now I see children with no love or patriotism for their nation. As I grew my understanding grew, my love grew, my loyalty grew, my interest and commitment grew. Few weeks before October 1st, I was excited for the forth coming independence celebration, I was so excited as though it was my birthday and this was such a contrast to what I would have felt in the past. Could it be because she was going 50 years? Yes this is her golden jubilee and so there must be much ado about her...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's Christmas Again........ Why do we even celebrate it??

So I was thinking, today is Christmas day, yaay! But what happened to those days in December when the dry winds in the northern parts of Nigeria would blow to the southern parts, causing the harmattan season to come in place. LOL, I can still recall, back then I would hide under my blanket because of the cold weather in the mornings. Some-days when I get up and look outside my house, the weather would be cold plus high humidity - just as if the clouds moved from the heavens to the ground. In the afternoons of those days the sun would be very high with dust plus dry weather that could tear the lips if lip-oil is not applied on the lips. Children would play with bangers, throwing them on people's roof and when the owners come out of scold at them they would run to their hiding places.
These days, December is just like any other month, last year, 2009, rain even fell on the 25th which has never happened before. Ugh, I really miss those days days. Sometimes I think that it is because of our sins - maybe God decided to make us suffer these two past years, lol.

You know, even if I don't celebrate Christmas because of my religious doctrine, I really don't see anything wrong with it. You know I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist. Some people don't even know why Christmas is celebrated, or how it started, all they have in mind when Christmas comes close is Santa, enjoyment, partying, rice and chicken.
Christmas was instituted by the Catholics (OMGod, I hate these people, they feel they can institute and change laws) because there was no exact place in the Bible that said when Jesus was born. Christmas which means CHRIST and MASS. A mass, worship or festival to mark the birth of Jesus Christ.
During Christmas, knowing it's Jesus' birthday, people are s'ppose to be helping the poor, needy or less privileged not getting drunk, buying new cloths and stuffs. I mean it's not bad to buy new cloths and stuffs but we just gotta help the needy.

Friday, December 24, 2010

How can I get along with my siblings? (Part 2)

Hi there, can you still remember what I talked about in part 1? Basically, I talked about how problems between siblings are like pimples and that to fix 'em we need to treat the under-lying cause, not to attack the symptom. Part 2 is basically about how we can really resolve or avoid getting into a fight or conflict with our siblings.
Of course, identifying the under-lying issues you have with a sibling is only part of the solution. What can you do to resolve an issue and avoid a future confrontation?
There is a frustrating of plans where there is no confidential talk. To help avoid frustration, look back to what you indicated caused the conflict between you and your sib. See if together you can work out some rules that you both agree on and that address the under-lying issue. For example, If you clash over possessions, Rule 1 could be: "Always ask before taking an item that belongs to someone else."
Rule 2 could be: "Respect a sibling's right to say, 'No, you can't use that item.'" When making these rules, think about what the Bible says "All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them." (Matthew 7:12). That way you will make rules that both you and your sibling can live by. Then check with  your parents to make sure that they approve of your agreement.

Abide by the rules yourself, do you teach one thing and do another thing? In other-words, do you teach 'Do not steal,' and you steal?. How can we apply that principle? If you want your sibling to respect your privacy, for instance, then you likewise need to knock before entering your sibling's room or ask before reading his or her e-mail or text messages. Also, don't be quick to take offense. "Only fools get angry and hold grudges." so the Bible says. If you're easily offended, your life will be miserable. Yes, your sibling will do or say things that upset you. But ask yourself, 'Have I done something like that to him or her in the past?' When I was 8, I thought that my opinion was the most important and must be heard. My sister is now going through a similar stage, so I try not to get upset, so can your sibling.
Serious problems need to be discussed and resolved. But must you call your sibling to account for every mistake he or she makes? God appreciates it when you are willing to "pass over transgression." If you and your sibling can't resolve an important issue, your parents can help you make peace. Remember, though, that the ability to resolve conflict without appealing to your parents is a measure of genuine maturity. Also, you can appreciate your siblings' good qualities. Your siblings likely have qualities that you admire. Rather than obsess about your siblings' faults, why not find an opportunity to tell them what it is that you admire about them.?

Fact of life: When you leave home, you will at times be surrounded by people who irritate you - classmates, workmates and others who are rude, insensitive, and selfish. Home is the place to learn to deal peaceably with such challenges. If you have a brother or sister who is difficult to get along with, take a positive view. That sibling is helping you to develop valuable life skills!

Your brother and your sister might not be the closest companion you will have, but you can strengthen your friendship with your siblings  if you "continue putting up with one another," even when they give you valid cause for complaint. If you do so, your  siblings are likely to become less irritating to you. And you may even annoy them less!

I hope you enjoyed this, I'd really love to know what you think about this blog, so please leave your comment or e-mail me at Thank you for reading.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How can I get along with my siblings? (Part 1)

 How can I get along with my siblings, this is one question we young peeps ask ourselves. Some siblings are very close. For example, my two older sisters Joy, 19, and Sarah, 21. They are like best friends, they get along easily, they do things together.
On the other hand, many people have a relationship like that of I and my kid sister Elera, 8. We fight almost about everything, she gets on my nerve! She barges into my room and borrows things without asking. She's such a child.
Do you have a sibling who gets on your nerve? Our parents, of course, have the responsibility to maintain order in the household. However, sooner or later just as I did learn, you will need to learn to get along with others, even your sibs. Guess what, you can learn that while at home and on this blog. You know I love you guys out there - my readers, and that's why I've decided to write this blog - actually it's my little secret on how I got to be my lil sister's best friend. Stick around and keep reading.
Think about the conflict you've had with your brother or sister. What do  you fight about most? Look at the list below and see which makes you angry or steam when your sib gets on your nerve.

Possessions. My sibling borrows my stuffs without asking
Personality clashes. My sibling acts selfishly or thoughtlessly or tries to run my life.
Privacy. My sibling enters my room without knocking or reads my e-mail or text messages without permission.

If your sibling constantly annoys you - bossing you around or invading your space - it might be hard not let resentment build. A book I once read says: "The squeezing of the nose is what brings forth blood, in other-words, the squeezing of anger is what brings forth quarreling. If you hold a grudge, it may well result in an angry outburst, just as squeezing your nose may cause blood to flow. Then the problem will only get worse. How can you prevent an irritation from bursting into ragging argument? A first step is to identify the real issue.

Problems between siblings are like pimples. The surface evidence of a pimple is an unsightly sore, but the cause is an under-lying infection. Similarly, an ugly clash between siblings is often just the surface evidence of an under-lying issue. You could treat a pimple by squeezing it. However, that would only be dealing with the symptom, and you may leave a scar or aggravate the infection. A better approach is to deal with the infection and thus prevent further outbreaks. It's the same when it comes to problems with siblings. Learn to identify the under-lying issue, and you'll  get past the incident and right to the root of the problem. You'll also be able to apply the advice of wise King Solomon, who wrote: "The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger." - Proverbs 19:11

For example, I said earlier about my kid sister Elera, "She barges into my room and borrows things without asking." That's the incident. Yet, what do you think is the real issue? Likely it's related to respect. Maybe then, since I'm the senior, I could have dealt with the problem by just telling Elera never to come into my room or use my things. But that solution treats only the symptom and would likely lead to further conflict. However, If I could convince Elera to respect my privacy and my property, my relationship with her then would no doubt improve. ...

Stick around for the part 2 of this blog, you'll really love it (^_*)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Seven Powerful Listening Rules For Your Relationship

Listening and hearing are two different things, hearing is the process by which sound waves hit the ear with lightning speed and are transmitted to the brain. While listening describes a skill which one learns. The process of listening is tuning out voices, noise, music... Listening sounds simple but becoming a perceptive listener is infinitely more difficult than becoming an eloquent speaker. Merely deciding to try to improve your listening skills will not work. You must discipline yourself and make a firm commitment to improve this skill. Here are seven ways you can practice listening with feeling on a daily basis.
       1.  Maintain Good Eye Contact:
               Focus your full attention on your partner. Turn off the television and put down the newspaper or anything you are doing.

       2.   Sit Attentively: 
                 For a few minutes, act as if nothing else in the world matters except hearing out your partner. Block all other distractions from your mind. Lean forward in your chair as if you are hanging on every word.

       3.   Act Interested In What You Are About To Hear:
Raise your eyebrows, nod your head in agreement, smile, or laugh when appropriate.

     4.  Sprinkle your attentive listening with appropriate phrases to show interest and understanding. "I agree." "Is that so?" "Great!" "I hear where you're coming from!" Your partner wants to know you understand the ideas being presented.

       5.   Give encouragement by asking questions that illustrate your interest.

       6.   Never Interrupt:
       You must let your partner speak or express completely his or her thoughts before conveying yours.

       7.   Listen a Little Longer:
Just when you think you are through listening. Listen thirty seconds longer. (^_*)v

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Five Easy Ways To Strengthen A Relationship

 Below are five communicative ways that I think a relationship can be strengthened:-

  1. Prepare Yourself Mentally:
      Before you meet your partner, prepare yourself mentally. Think good thoughts. Some people actually plan to dump bad feelings on their partners. Instead of planning such a negative thing, rehearse in your mind at least one positive incident from your day that you can share with your partner upon greeting him or her. Questions, problems and phone messages can be discussed later. Sometimes a quick phone call in advance helps to prepare the way.
         2. Check Your Appearance:

               The first glimpse of each other affects how you will relate throughout the time. A neatly groomed female partner who wears a bit of perfume and accents her femininity will naturally capture a more positive response from her partner. A man, too, can make a difference. A man who enters the house with crumpled clothes, greasy and grimy with body odour will probably get a much different greeting from the man who washes up, combs his hair, and applies after-shave lotion.  Your grooming says a lot about how you feel towards yourself and your partner. Try your best to be appealing to your partner.

         3. Shower Your Partner With Smiles:

              Plan your time so you can greet your partner smiling. Let your partner know he or she is a priority in your life, not someone to be fit in after other responsibilities have been taken care of. A smile can say "I love you" with more meaning than an expensive gift. A smile is free and always available. Even if you don't feel like smiling, do it anyway. Act the part, if need be, for the first four minutes. If you act nice, good feelings may follow and the hidden negativity may fade.

         4. Greet Each Other With A Hug and a Kiss:

               Having someone waiting to greet us at the door is something we all like. If kissing isn't your style, have some other physical contact: holding hands, patting or fondling. Physical contact is healthy and necessary.

        5. Create a Pleasant Atmosphere:

    Give each other time to relax before tackling any problems.
    Anyone who enters a home with kids running wild, the TV blasting, and everything in chaos might want to run away. Whoever meets each other is responsible for setting the mood, but both are responsible for maintaining a pleasant and peaceful atmosphere