How Old Is Medley Thoughts

How Old Is Medley Thoughts

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Wooooooo! been long time I blogged... Just school and other stuff tying me down, but will sure blog soon. dun warry ::))).

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sex Education

Sex education? hehe.. yeah that's the topic. I decided to write on this after I read an article in a Nigerian daily where 27 pupils reported themselves pregnant in a school in Limpop, South Africa "Mavelani High School" and how women gather outside the school premises everyday, waiting for a call from the principal or teacher inside that a student has gone into labour. The first thing that came to my head was sex education...hehe...yeah. Seriously, when do you think is the appropriate age for parents to start talking to us about sex?........5?..10?....16?......really, I think it should start from age 3 or 4 :).
Today, sex is everywhere - on TV, in movies, and plastered all over advertising, the only place it seems the subject is still considered a taboo is in conversations between children and parents, innit?......... heheh....I know it's embarrassing and nerve-racking to talk about sex with our parents. Sometimes we may be curious about something regarding sex, but we feel that if we ask our parents the question, they'll think we are up to something bad. Some of our parents are so busy with their own life and stuff that they don't even have the time to talk to us, some feel reluctant to broach the subject instead they buy books on puberty and sexuality. I know they want us to know about our body and sex; but they just don't want to talk about it.

Seriously, If you're a parent, it is important that you talk to us about sex education. Now there is oral sex, anal sex, cybersex - even 'sexting' over the phone, LOL. We're likely to be confronted with misinformation at our early age, we hear about sex as soon as we start schooling, and we may not get the viewpoint that you want us to get.
I know you have no idea on how to start the conversation with us, but you know, talking to us about sex is part of your God-given responsibility as parents. True, it may be awkward, both for you and us but many of us want to learn about sex from you (parents) and not from some teacher, book or TV program.

Unless we are in total isolation, I know we begin hearing about sex at an early age. Even more disturbing is the fact that in these last days wicked men have advanced from bad to worse. Sadly, many children are exploited  by adults for perverted sexual purposes. It is important for you (parents) to educate us when we are still quite young. If you wait till we are teens, we may not want to speak openly because of the inhibitions that come with puberty.


Maybe at an early age you could train us to respond firmly if anyone attempts to play with our sex organs :). For example: Stop that! I'm going to tell on you! even if the person promises gifts or threats*....hehe... maybe if those South African students were taught this, the number would not have been that much.

And as we grow up, we will have information that we need to tackle the maturity level. Personally, I don't enjoy long conversations with my parents, short discussions with us frequently may help.

As embarrassing as sex may be to discuss, it's something we need to know. We may hold back from asking questions because we fear that you will suspect us of improper conduct, it is your duty to assure us that the discussion is not because you suspected us of anything; you only want to make sure that we are equipped to handle bad influences around us.
Talking to us about sex may be one of the most embarassing parenting task you may ever face, but it is worth your effort. Over time, the awkwardness fades. It becomes easier to discuss awkward topics if you establish a routine of being open about whatever subjects present themselves in the family. Open communication is the lifeblood of a healthy family, you know. hahahahaha.......don't diss me now :::)))).

Friday, January 14, 2011

PDP Presidential Primary

Yesterday the 13th day of January 2011 was a big day for me and all reasonable Nigerians as Dr. Good-luck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan emerged as the flag bearer on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party for the April 2011 general election, in fact, an inexplicable joy has been occupying my heart since yesterday. This is one step to the right direction for Nigeria.
I sat glued to the television (and I don't regret it) till 5am that it ended because the PDP primary was to me the main election, anybody from other parties wanting to contend with Dr. Goodluck Jonathan in the April election is just wasting his/her time and money.
mmh, for once the opportunity has been given to a southerner to contest for presidency in Nigeria. I'm not just happy because am a southerner but because eventually change has come to Nigeria. This will positively change Nigeria for the next 50 years.
Tension at first griped me when the voting started, but when the INEC agents started counting the votes I couldn't be happier as Jonathan's name filled the air, I couldn't help but to laugh at Atiku Abubakar (one of the contenders) who was uncomfortable - making and answering calls LOL.

One thing I think Goodluck Jonathan needs to learn is how to say his speeches from the heart and not to read them from a piece of paper. I mean if he really means what he says he should be able to say it without a guide (just like the Rivers State Governor does).  When the presidential aspirants were asked one after the other to give their speech/manifesto, Sarah Jubril (the only female aspirant) was the only person who said her speech from the heart without a guide (though she got only one vote, lol). When Atiku was called up, he rooted out his speech text book, full of criticisms aimed at the Goodluck Jonathan's government and read it out to Nigerians - what a shame!.

When other aspirants where busy telling the good people of Nigeria about their good plans and future intentions for the country, Atiku was busy raining causes and accusations on the ruling government.

 I read in the Saturday Sun newspaper of January 15, 2011. page 59 where Atiku said "I'll assemble best and brightest minds in the country to tackle any challenge", and in page 11, he also said "you'll hear from me". If Atiku fights back, he's just wasting his time and money. The best thing for him now is just to answer  the call of defeat which is already sitting in his living room.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Talkative.... Talkaholic

This 2011 is a year that I'll know if God really cares for me enough to answer my prayer requests (they're many though), at-least if he can answer some of 'em, I mean the important ones. I know he can answer them if he really wants to.
I'm sure the year has been really cool and smooth rolling for some, like you right? Well obviously not for me, mmh, I know it's just starting. You know, normal human beings would search their hearts and make good resolutions that'll guide 'em throughout the twelve months in a year. Seriously, I don't know what's happened this year, I've decided I'm gon' live throughout 2011 with no resolutions, you think it's possible? LOL, nod once if you feel its possible, and twice if it's not (okay I feel ya!)... But there's one thing that keeps ringing in my head, I don't know if it's a resolution - I wanna go to college with a government scholarship this year, say AMEN. That's my biggest prayer...

Okay I'm unbelievably lame, I know. I'm just talking 'bout myself only. So hawa you doing today? Tell me about your resolutions and stuffs in the comment box.... They tell me "carry your readers along when you blog" that's why I asked, well not that I don't care.

Okays, back to my blog 'cause am a couple backs down. Sometimes I ask, why do I blog, people don't even read 'em. Maybe 'cause I'm always lonely and got plenty of time to think about my future or reminisce. Speaking of  blogging, God bless google. I've not really had time to thank you guys for giving us this opportunity to write what we feel at any time and any day. I love you guys big time. yeah, I mean it.

I can't believe a dollar is now 156 naira. I mean c'mon what are we doing - lol, I mean Nigerians not you. Last time I checked it was 153, it usually does not grow like that. Yikes! What's with the Americans, they work day and night, under rain, sun and snow. Really, I know Nigerians are hard working but we just gotta work harder.
Egusi soup plus loi-loi. mmm...soothing relief

What do you feel like eating now, seriously? For me, I wanna eat my favourite traditional dish ---> either Okra, Egusi or Afam soup plus garri or loi-loi garnished with fresh fish or Isi-ewu (goat head meat). o God, are you feeling moi.

Damn! My laptop battery charge is down... O Lord when will Nigeria ever start having a steady electricity supply? Gotta go, plus I also gotta recharge my stomach cause I've been blogging for like three hours. See you in the nearest future - mind you, when I say nearest future I don't mean the scary D-word (death). 5 hours can be the nearest future so don't get it twisted. Love ya! Ciao! Adios! Ba-bye!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Yaay, it's New Year....

Our Lord, our God, our Creator, our Designer, our Elder brother, our Sustain-er, our Guide, the one whom from everlasting to everlasting is God and there's none like him, I want to thank you so much for protecting us since the day we were conceived in our mother's womb till today, I want to also thank you for making it possible for each and everyone of us to see today - the first day in the first month of this new year, a year that has never been before since we were created on earth. We're not alive today 'cause we are rich, flawless or the most righteous, it's just because of your grace, compassion and mercy that we all are alive today. Thank you so much daddy-Jesus, I pray you continue to protect and provide for us, please forgive us our sins and cleanse us with your precious blood which you shed on the cross of Calvary. Lord I know you created us into this world for a purpose, please help those of us who have not discovered our purpose on earth to discover it this new year. Put smiles on our faces this new year please Jehovah, grant us our heart desires so that glory, honour, adoration, and praises will be lifted to your name in heaven. Please don't let the things of this world turn us away from you, and Lord when you come again to harvest your own to your kingdom on high please remember us, let us be among the saints that will go to Heaven. Thank you Father for I know you have started answering this prayer for I pray in Jesus' name, Amen!
Hey there, 'wishing you an awesome new year...... If you wronged someone last year, or you had a beef with someone last year that is still on, please pick up your phone, call the person and apolpgise, even if the person started it. Also if I wronged anyone, please FORGIVE ME.

To those who wronged me, after cautious and serious consideration our friendship contract has been renewed, it was a hard decision to make though so don't try to screw it up. My wish for y'all this new year is that

-May peace break into your homes and may thieves steal your debts.
-May the pocket of your jean become a magnet for 1000 naira bills every second.
-May love stick your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips.
-May happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy.
-May the problems you have forget you home address.

In short, may this 2011 be the best year you've ever experienced in your lives. Love y'all big time.